Böse Kunst in Graz
Tanja Kristan’s work was featured in the thought-provoking “Böse Kunst” (Evil Art) exhibition that was on display at the Showroom von Roter Keil in Graz, Austria.
Tanja Kristan’s work was featured in the thought-provoking “Böse Kunst” (Evil Art) exhibition that was on display at the Showroom von Roter Keil in Graz, Austria.
During my week-long course “TEACHING and LEARNING THROUGH ART: theory and practice” in Venice, I experienced an unforgettable time in the lagoon city. The beauty and unique atmosphere created by the blend of history, art, and culture deeply impressed me. I explored the city, visited exhibitions, glimpsed at the Biennale, and found creative inspiration in the lagoon’s beauty. I’m grateful for the opportunity to participate in this European Cultural Academy… Weiterlesen »Cultural Exchange in Venice: Learning Through Art
I visited the Ørestad Gymnasium in Copenhagen, known for its modern architecture and focus on media education.The journey was possible thanks to Erasmus+ and HLW Weiz. I’m convinced that through exchanges with our European colleagues, we can learn a lot from each other and further develop our teaching practices. As a teacher and media workshop organisator interested in innovative teaching concepts, I found this school with its special profile in… Weiterlesen »Transforming Education: Insights from Ørestad Gymnasium in Copenhagen
I started to work as a cutter for LändleTV, a regional TV station in Vorarlberg | Austria. Here are some of my favorite videos. They are in german, so if you understand, enjoy watching them 🙂 A collection of some videos, from Bio, to the avoidance of food waste, prosthetic and orthetic supplies, and the most awesome tiles from Karak in Bludenz. An option poll around the topic of the… Weiterlesen »From BIO to ORANGES
Selected photos from different workshops. The first one is from a drawing workshop, the other ones are more into the field of electronics and programming. Learning to understand how stuff works on an easy level for children. It’s very intuitive for children to understand the basics of electronics through robot kits or little projects. A first peek into sensors, mechanics and power circuits. From LED gloves to Circuit bending or… Weiterlesen »Workshops down the memory lane
Drawing in the urban space with company. Since several years I am part of the urban sketching movement, first in Linz then in Vienna and now in Salzburg. Urban Sketchers are people that meet to get their inspiration from reality. Motives are people passing by, buildings, nature and stuff like that. I am managing the Urban Sketching Salzburg meetings right at the moment. You can find recent drawings from us… Weiterlesen »Urban Sketching
A collection of Stop Motion Shorts and Experiments. Playing with Movement, Post Production and Performance.
Drawing Machine with bare hands – Webcam Input, 2017
An interactive project using a drawing machine, Webcam Input and code written in Processing.
“Fight for your time!” is a Street Game that was developed at Schmiede 2017 by Katrin Schäfer, Leonore Liebich and me. I tested the Game at several occasions after that, one of them was a media conference at the Ars Electronica Center. The duration of one session is around 5-20 min. Players 5 – 21(incl. 1 Game Master, the professor).
Weiterlesen »Fight for your Time! – Street GameMonsterfurcht and the splace of fear.
Weiterlesen »Splace 03 Exhibition